Monday, October 15, 2012

Me loves!

Hi! It's been a while since i posted something here lol. So, the day went by, and a lot of things happened to me. I'm starting my university routine already. Since my house is too far from the college, I'm staying in the dorm on weekdays. So far, I have done a few tests and i got some tasks already. I got an A on my Germany map task! ^v^
Well, back to the topic; lovely days. Yes, the days have been so lovely, a lot of lovely things happened. My university life went better than i thought it would. And now, the cherry on top of my year. I got my first ever boyfriend :P We've been in a relationship since September 6, 2012. Awness <3
Um yeah having a boyfriend isn't that big of deal, but as for me it is. And probably for my friends also. I don't know why but people around us keep saying that we look cute together, and that we fit each other. Strangely, most of the people who said that are the ones who haven't seen us together in real life. But it made us happy :3 In case you are wondering, click this to visit my boyfriend's twitter (hi stalker!) :p
So we are taking studies in the same University. But in different faculty. I'm taking German studies in Faculty of Humanities, while he's taking Industrial Engineering in Faculty of Engineering. We've known each other since um, July. I passed a lot of ups and downs before we were (finally) in a relationship but, yeah. Patience matters. We were meant to meet up on 26th of August but i was too busy with my German studies task that day and I had to cancel the meetup. And i've just known that he wanted to propose me on that day, but then he had to wait until September 6 to say it. I'm so glad he did. And yeah that was a quick story of our relationship lol.
As a conclusion, the days have literally been so lovely to me <3

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